星期一, 四月 18, 2011
Expert: Lynas will be far worse than Bukit Merah
The on-going Lynas Advanced Material Plant project will produce 20,000 tonnes of radioactive waste a year once it becomes operational.
This will be 10 times more than the controversial Asian Rare Earth factory that was closed down in Bukit Merah 20 years ago, public health expert Dr T Jayabalan said.
The plant's projected rate of radioactive waste production, Jayabalan (right) said, would spell environmental and health disasters as dumping huge amounts of such waste, regardless of radioactive levels, would concentrate the deadly effects.
He explained that direct exposure to such a large amount of thorium, even if proven by both Lynas and the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) to be low in radiation, would be lethal as radiation levels build up according to the volume of waste piled together.
Both Lynas and the AELB have said that the plant would produce thorium - a naturally occurring radioactive chemical element - as a waste by-product from the plant's operations in the Gebeng industrial area, some 25km from Kuantan, Pahang.
However, the Australian company and the national atomic power agency maintain that thorium has a low radiation level and is not harmful to people or the surrounding environment.
Jayabalan warned against buying into claims that thorium is safe, stressing that any prolonged exposure to increased radiation levels "no matter how minute" would be a health hazard.
"Perhaps AELB and Lynas are right, that rare earth is not radioactive because they remove the radioactive waste. What they will give you in Gebeng is this radioactive waste called thorium," he told some 500 people at a talk in Kuantan on Sunday night.
"And perhaps the authorities are right, that thorium is a low-level (radioactive) waste and they tell you it is safe.
"These are terms used by the industry to confuse you... remember, there is no safe level of any radioactivity," he said.
No safe haven
Jayabalan agreed that people are constantly exposed to "background radiation" - low levels of radiation from sunlight and other environmental factors - but stressed that bringing an additional source of radiation is akin to the death sentence.
He said the best defence from direct exposure to increased radioactivity was to "stay as far away as possible".
However, this would not work with a second, more surreptitious killer that would be released when the ore containing the rare earth is crushed to remove the thorium.
Jayabalan explained that when the ore is crushed, it releases another radioactive element which exists as a gas - radon.
"Radon can travel thousands of miles... which means you are not protected anywhere in Malaysia because the wind will blow (it across the nation)."
Jayabalan, who was among those who fought to shut down the Asian Rare Earth factory run by Mistubishi Chemical from the early 1980s to 1992, implored the people to learn from the experience of the Bukit Merah residents, who he said continued to pay for the ill-advised venture with their lives.
Showing slides of many children and young adults who were casualties of radiation exposure from the Asian Rare Earth factory, he said these people were innocent and unknowing victims of a tragedy that could have been avoided.
'Think of the future'
Bukit Merah is now the site of what is believed to be one of Asia's largest toxic waste clean-ups, courtesy of the factory that produced an average of 2,000 tonnes of radioactive waste annually in the course of its operations.
Jayabalan said the company and the authorities, having found no viable solution to manage the waste pile accumulated, decided to dispose of it at a heavily-guarded dumpsite located within a limestone formation in the area.
"At that time, the authorities gave their assurance that it would be safe and that they would first hold trial runs. But once it starts, it will not stop... what you will get is a large amount of dangerous waste that will outlast you.
"Even Lynas says it can't send it (the waste) back to Australia, meaning they know this is not an acceptable practice... we don't want this in our backyard. Take it back to Australia," Jayabalan said.
Lynas Malaysia has maintained that radiation experts from various government agencies, including AELB, the Department of Environment and Nuclear Malaysia have "presented findings" to show that the Lynas Advanced Material Plant in Gebeng would produce "safe, non-hazardous material".
On two postings on the company's Facebook page today, Lynas insisted that the plant causes "zero radiation exposure to the public" and that the company remains committed to its core values of creating a "safe environment for all", particularly for those living in and around Gebeng.
Lynas has invested some RM700 million into the plant, which it intends to complete by September this year. The company projects the plant to generate some RM8 billion in annual revenue by 2013.
星期日, 四月 17, 2011
Stop Lynas - Rare Earth
最近在关丹市搞得人心惶惶,城中话题都在纷纷议论着在关丹Gebeng工业区即将开始操作的“稀土”厂。稀土Rare Earth,提炼之后的残留物,拥有大量的Thorium。Thorium是一种辐射性的elements。据说有关当局说,稀土提炼之后的残留物,将会处理好,确保不会泄漏。但又有谁可以保证呢?
许多高科技的国家,都对提炼稀土却步,不敢在自己的本土设厂。这家Lynas Malaysia Corporation是一家来自澳洲的公司,澳洲国土那么大,人才那么多,假如提炼稀土是对国家有那么多利益的话,为什么不在澳洲设厂,而跑到来马来西亚的关丹,那么平和的小市镇,来扰乱民心呢?政府说,这家稀土厂将会带动我们的经济,提高就业机会。但据知,政府给于这间工厂长达12年的免税计划,试问国家如何赚钱呢?然而,这间工厂制造的就业机会大约是300人左右,相信需要的必是专才,对于一般的人民,有如何有益处可谈呢?难道关丹人就只靠这家工厂开饭吗?
*Stop Lynas在Facebook的网页:
Facebook - Stop Lynas Group Activity page
八十年代,“亚洲稀土厂”在Bukit Merah置业,已经搞得人心惶惶,许多当地的人民都受到辐射的为害。虽说现在已经关闭了,但却对当地的人民带来永久的伤痛!
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